Tuesday, November 18, 2008

::Pesta KOBIS Sabah 2008 & Fun Fair::

Pesta KOBIS Sabah first introduced 11 years ago ( 1997 - I was primary 6 at that time).
Forgot to take picture of that colourful 'pesta' (nanti kalo nex year ada chance mo pg tingu, nnt sy ambil gambar). After 5 years, then finally I got chance to celebrate the Pesta KOBIS sabah 2008 at my hometown last weekend. Its 14-16 November 2008. Since 2003, I haven't been able to join this Pesta Kobis Celebration... Huhu:-(

1. 4X4 Camel Trophy ( Sempat tgk tp sikit sj... Rusak trus tu padang. xda guna lagi...)
2. Pertandingan Memasak Masakan Tradisional ( lgsg xpg tgk or xsempat tgk or mmg xmau pg tgk)
3. Persembahan ( time nih baru sy dtg... malam punya! Siang xsempat, pg karaja!)

Itu saja yg sy tau lah... There's a lot more, but I dont know the details... majlis dirasmikan oleh Datuk Masidi Manjun.

Sempat pg fun fair. Ramainya org. Sempit tul tmpt dia. I got 2 bottles of minuman ( cola& minuman kaler hijau. Lupa apa nama dia). If I remember, I'll upload gambar itu minuman di sini... Hasil dari main dat. RM1 for 1 dat. So expensive lorrr! Lucky me becoz with RM5, I got 2. Hahaha...

Also sempat men rollercoaster (kalo bleh dinamakan rollercoasterla... 100 times xmenggayatkan & xmengujakan if compared to which I've experienced at Genting Highland) But still ramai juga yang berteriak-teriak. Mgkin sbb time turun ada juga rasa sikit2 ( if u know what I means). RM3 per entry... xtau berapa pusingan. Bolehla kalo mau have fun!

Okay, that's all la pasal Pesta Kobis & Fun fair...

P/S Downloading KDrama Queen Of The Game Ep1-20 at this moment. May be lepas konvo baru siap smua.... On download masa my leave to convo... heheh:-)

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